Colour Blast: 2.0!!!

Game Download ( Windows, Apple, Linux )  + Comment Section at the bottom of the page!!!


Colour Blast is Space, Action Shooter where you shoot all the incoming SpaceShips heading your way. But these are'nt just normal SpaceShips, these SpaceShips are Red and Blue ones. To destroy these SpaceShips you must shoot the right colour bullet at them. After a while the speed picks up and eventually you'll find yourself shooting recklessly shooting all your bullets in hope of survival! But that isn't all the game has to offer, you can...

  • Earn XP and Level Up
  • Save up enough money to buy all the Player SpaceShips in the game.
  • Wait for your daily chest.
  • And try out knew unique tactics to protect yourself as new abilities get developed by me, the creator.


Title: Colour Blast

Playtime: Endless?

Genre: Action, Sci-Fi, Space Shooter!

Game Engine: Unity 2018

Main Mechanics: Aim the turret with your cursor and shoot at the differently coloured Space Ships!

How to play?

Set Up...

To make the game run smoothly and how it's supposed to you must  make sure you are in full screen view, either by pressing the full screen Unity WebGL button(Only viewable before the game has fully opened, just scroll down to find it) or by clicking options and toggling full-screen a few times till it figures it self out. If you cant see the full screen toggle in the options just use the sliders on the side to scroll down until you see it. Once you've done this you'll be all set. Sorry for the inconvenience.

To make sure you dont crash the game do not go into the stats section and do not press the timer. These features only seem to work on normal builds of the game, not webGL. But, after starting and closing the game a few times the timer for the chest may deside to work, but it's a bit random. 


The first thing you'll want to do is press the play button. This, of course, will take you to the actual game. Basically in this game there are two rules...

Red can only be destroyed by Red Bullet


Blue can only be destroyed by Blue Bullets.

To shoot the different colors just click left for Red Bullet and click right for Blue Bullet. Now you know all the basics you are set to go, please enjoy this game! If you want any help or have any recommendations for the future of this game please chuck that down into the comment section and I'll be sure to read. 


Colour Blast: 1.0 Release...


ColourBlast-WIP 28 MB

Install instructions

1. Click The Download Button For Format You Want...

2. Wait For It To Download...

3. Find your download, then right click the zip folder and click "Extract All".

4. Open the new normal folders until you find "Colour Blast.exe".

5. Then open the file. If on windows it'll try stop you from opening the game... Just click "More Info", then "Run Anyway". Do this as your own risk but there shouldn't be anything wrong with the file.

6. From there you should be able to play the game, ENJOY!!!


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